Sunday, November 16, 2008

165 - In the woods

165 - In the woods
Originally uploaded by anne_y_2003
Yet another papercut. I'm not sure what's next step. I was thinking making fairy tales illustrations with the same technique...

Saturday, November 15, 2008


I had planned that for some time, and I finally built my "cavern wall" out of acrylics and painted this Lascaux horse on it.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

164 - Papercut Heart

164 - Papercut Heart
Originally uploaded by anne_y_2003
My second papercut. I almost ruined it when trying to stick it to its background.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

163 - Sea Turtle

I had planned for long to draw a sea turtle from a reference photo of lisilk@wetcanvas and the opportunity to do so came along as I signed up for a paint -a-theme swap where was of the theme was "sea turtle". The titles are fascinating.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

162 - La Descente de l'Alpage

I'm hosting a swap on illustratedatcs on the theme papercut, so I needed to practice!

Monday, June 30, 2008

The Legs

The last swap I participated in on is a advanced textile swap. I made two (average) patchwork cards, but then I had the idea of this funny Xmas tree with Zetti legs. My husband liked it so I gave him and made a second one for the swap!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

African Statues

He is the African Zetti ATC I ended up with. That was a great creation process!

I needed some African inspiration, so I grabbed a book from my library and ended up enjoying drawing some of the sculpture I once saw in exhibition "Dogons" in Musée Dapper in Paris.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Chair swap cards

139-Vincent's Chair 2
Originally uploaded by anne_y_2003
With the help of Vincent, I managed to make my cards for the chair swap (the two others are graphite).

As I subscribed to a few art history swaps, I'll be doing more copies. Hopefully I'll increase my self-confidence and develop my own style in the same process.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

People pages

I had committed to drawing "people" circle journal pages, when I learned my aunt Michèle's leukemia could not be cured. This photo was proposed just afterwards for a week-end drawing event on by I found it represented the sense of quality in work.

So I drew this picture thinking of Michele who was very dedicated to her work. When I drew this I was revolted by the idea my aunt worked hard and would not benefit from retirement. The second page is also after a photo of Lisilk, it was my first drawing after her funerals. I could see trust and teamwork in it.

The thread is of course dedicated to my Aunt.